Eating & Drinking: Friday Edition

• The club atop Andre Balazs' Standard Hotel won't be known as the Boom Boom Room for much longer. It looks like it will be renamed "QT" instead, possibly because another venue by the same name raised objections. In other Standard news, the as-yet unopened bar across from the Boom Boom Room is going to sport a plunge pool and condom machine. [BlackBook, GS]
• Former Fiamma chef Fabio Trabocchi has been tapped as the new executive chef of the Four Seasons. He's succeeding Christian Albin, who died in June. [NYT]
• Gael Greene, Pete Wells, and Josh Ozersky share their memories of Tribeca landmark Chanterelle, which owners Karen and David Waltuck revealed yesterday won't be reopening this fall, after all.
• Robert Sietsema of the Village Voice lists his top 10 NYC wine bars. [VV]
• Eater lists its 38 "essential" New York restaurants. [Eater]
• Getting a last-minute reservation at Masa may a piece of cake these days, but that isn't the case at lots of other pricey places around town. [BN]
• Some people have no problem paying money to watch celebrity chefs prepare meals at sports arenas; and some chefs have no problem collecting $50,000 checks to make appearances at these sorts of events. [WSJ]