'Reader' Trailer Drops as Kate Winslet Craves Oscar in 'Vanity Fair'
The Reader may still require a month's worth of round-the-clock editing under armed guard, but the Kate Winslet drama has at last yielded a trailer to remind us that there is an Oscar-hopeful under all those layers of Harvey Weinstein-Scott Rudin ego-crisis. And like last week's not-embarrassing Valkyrie teaser, the preview assures us that its prestige creds are in place, thus setting the table for the next phase of its awards campaign, "Getting Winslet to Say Anything Positive About It At All." Though the Rudin loyalist spends most of her time in a new interview with Vanity Fair promoting her and Leonardo DiCaprio's Revolutionary Road, there is the modest admission that "you bet your fucking ass" she wants an Oscar this year:

Winslet, who wasn’t involved in the machinations, acknowledges that the back-to-back schedule puts some pressure on her, but prefers to view her glass as half full: “How the hell did I get that lucky [to have two compelling roles] in the same 12-month period? It’s really rare and remarkable, and I don’t take that position lightly. It might not happen like that again—I’m well aware of that. You know, the truth is, I’m just going to bloody well make the most of it.” [...] This year she hopes not just to be nominated but also, she freely confesses, to take home some hardware. “Do I want it? You bet your fucking ass I do! I think that people assume that I don’t care or don’t want it or don’t need it or something. It’s hard to be there five times, and I’m only human, you know? But I don’t go home and cry, because we’re all grown-ups here.” Well, not all of us — but again, if "half-full" is the mantra, consider Harvey's charitable million an investment in Winslet's future.