• Oprah's interview with Sarah Palin aired today, as you know by now. [AP]
• The deal between GE and Comcast to give the cable giant control of NBC Universal could be finalized in the next few days/weeks, although approval from Washington could take some time. [DF, THR, WSJ]
Lou Dobbs didn't walk away from $9 million when he departed CNN. He reportedly got paid $8 million in severance to walk out the door. [NYP]
• The largest gay newspaper publisher in the U.S. has shuttered. [NYT]
Budget Travel may be the magazine to die. [Daily Intel]
• The cost-cutting McKinsey consultants have landed at Dow Jones. [Forbes]
2012 destroyed the box office this weekend, reeling in $65 million. [THR]

• Just in case purchasing BusinessWeek for a modest $5 million didn't make the point, Bloomberg LP would like to make it clear to all that it plans on becoming "the world's most influential news organization." [NYT]
• Shep Smith is Fox News' voice of moderation, as you may have heard. [WP]
• Struggling movie studio MGM is up for sale again. [NYT]
• Senior Rupert Murdoch adviser Gary Ginsberg is stepping down. [NYT]
Anna Wintour's love of all things Obama continues: She's hired his fave web strategy firm to give Vogue.com a makeover. [Jezebel]
• Was January Jones the worst SNL host ever? [Vulture]
• Even babies get airbrushed by magazines to rid them of their baby fat and make them slimmer, in case you weren't aware. [Telegraph]