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It hasn't been all that long since Bernie Madoff was hauled off to prison and the family name remains as tainted as it was when the fraud was uncovered a year ago. But that isn't deterring Andrew Madoff and his brother Mark from looking into potential career opportunities in finance. According to the Wall Street Journal, Mark recently reached out to two contacts to see if he'd be able to find another job on Wall Street and indicated he'd be interested in working on a trading desk or in trading technology. Andrew Madoff is looking for a gig, too.

The Journal reports he's thinking about starting a firm involved in "disaster recovery." (He certainly knows a lot about disasters, that's for sure!)

Instead of returning to Wall Street, maybe the Madoff boys should hit up Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter for a job? Bernie Madoff's former assistant, Eleanor Squillari, did pretty well for herself when she "collaborated" with Mark Seal on a piece about her former boss:

"I'll never get a job in finance, and I'm one of the lucky ones," says Eleanor Squillari, Bernard Madoff's assistant for many years. She went to beauty school this summer and plans to look for work at a hair salon while selling her handmade jewelry.

Ms. Squillari, 59, lives in a two-bedroom apartment in the New York City borough of Staten Island, near the house she had to sell earlier this year. It makes her angry that former co-workers linked to the fraud still have their big houses and expensive cars. (Ms. Squillari co-wrote an account of her time at the Madoff firm for Vanity Fair magazine, for which she was paid about $50,000.)

Not Exactly a Résumé Highlight: Madoff Work [WSJ]