After we covered the first promotional photo from Nine last week, this follow-up email from the Weinstein Company seemed simple enough: "Attached is a high res version of the shot you put up on the site Friday. Do you mind replacing it with this one?" Sure, we thought. After all, who wouldn't want a closer look at the film's eclectic cast, which includes Nicole Kidman, Kate Hudson, Judi Dench, and Fergie's labia? Strangely, though, one of those performers appears to have gone missing thanks to an industrious Weinstein Co. photoshop. Check out the shocking evidence, after the jump!

Here is the brand-new, high-res photo. The cast can be seen much more clearly than in the picture that hit the web last Friday, but something is a little different than how we remember it...

LabiaGate! Clearly, the Weinsteins regretted unleashing Fergie's nether regions onto an innocent populace and have now draped the offending area in a chic black veil. Still, what about those of us who dreamed of one day sitting in a darkened theater to watch Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis share the screen with Fergie's pudendum? Without the lure of the "London Bridge" singer's cameltoe, Nine just became a Seven. Eight, tops.