Oh, good for Ryan Lizza. The campaign reporter was going to write a book about the 2008 election, but then David Remnick hired him and said "don't write a book, write for my fancy magazine instead," and so Lizza did. Now he's got a deal to write a book about the first year of Barack Obama's presidency, which ought to at least be a nice change of pace from all the books about the 2008 elections we're about to get, yowza. Of course, he's still not alone: also writing a book on Obama's first year is Newsweek's Jonathan Alter. Everyone else who's ever been published is, of course, finishing their 2008 election books. Let's take a look at the lineup: Newsweek's Richard Wolffe is writing Renegade: The Education of Barack Obama. He's got reporting from the trail, interviews with Obama and aides, and his sexy accent. Will Be Published: June 2009. Should Be Published: The day after inauguration, when Obama's terrible secrets can finally be revealed. Too late, America! Evan Thomas and the staff of Newsweek will release 250 pages on the campaign, based on the seven-part Secrets of the Campaign piece we all read on the internet. The title: Long Time Coming: The Historic, Combative, Expensive, and Inspiring 2008 Election and the Victory of Barack Obama. That is a terrible title. Will Be Published: Early January. Should Be Published: This week. Well, it basically was published last week, but whatever. Washington Post's Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson are working on their own untitled campaign book, "a narrative history of the entire campaign." Will Be Published: Fall of 2009. Should Be Published: Are you serious? Fall of 2009? We'll be reading books about the 2010 midterms by then guys! Get it done ASAP! New York's John Heilemann and Time's Mark Haperin are working on a book too, without a title or publication date. Should Be Published: Never, unless Heilemann dumps Halperin. Then publish it whenever you like. Historian Michael Takiff's book? We know nothing about it. He would like it to be called The Making of the President 2008. But no one has bought it yet, we don't think? Sad. Should Be Published: In July, like Theodore White's Making of the President 1960 book was, back when people read books. Not-Quite Campaign Books: Washington Post's Anne Kornblut is writing Rejection: Why America Isn't Ready for a Woman President PBS's Gwen Ifill is writing The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. Jabari Asim is writing What Obama Means MediaMatters' Eric Boehlert is writing a book about bloggers. Did we leave anyone out? Yes, probably. Americans Clamoring For All Things Obama [LAT] Newsweek's Wolffe Inks Obama Book Deal [Calderone/Politico] Books Written and Inspired by Obama Get an Election Boose [USAToday] Washington Post's Anne Kornblut Writing Hillary Book for Crown in Mid-Six Figure Deal [NYO] A Race to Deliver Election Books [WSJ]