Shocking GOP Report Exposes Hollywood's Godless, Christ-Hating Elite

While we think this town is probably big enough for both of us, we admit that the right-wing outlet Newsmax spooks us a little with its encroaching "celebrity heathen" beat. The coverage is perhaps best exemplified today by the feature "Hollywood's Top 10 Atheists," a bracing survey of Angelina Jolie, Keanu Reeves, Woody Allen and few other wretched infidels whose names might even surprise you.Take Bruce Willis for example (whose "conservative credentials often are exaggerated," according to the author), Ian McKellen ("Tom Hanks' co-star in The Da Vinci Code," we're reminded) and Jodie Foster, who is, of course, a lesbian and thus thoroughly godless by default. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are outed as agnostics, meanwhile, and the feature ends with the obligatory bone-throw in the direction of God-fearing GOP actor emeritus Jon Voight. Like you, we wondered what the real Newsmax angle might be here — if maybe they really are turning a new celeb leaf, or if this was Plan B after "Hollywood's 10 Jewishest Jews" simply proved too unwieldy a subject to whittle down on deadline. But after a second, closer, read, we think we get it: Straight-up bitterness. And not of the post-election variety either, but something far more ingrained: "You'd think hollywood stars would drop to their knees every day to give thanks for their fame, fortune, and beauty," the author notes. Maybe so, but his kind are technically responsible for The Love Guru, so let's just call it even for now, OK?