The jury has delivered their verdict in the Anand Jon Alexander model-raping case. With a mindblowing 23 counts of rape and sexual assault filed against him in L.A. County Superior Court, Jon was found guilty of 16 of them. WaxWord reports:

Because this case involves special circumstances of including multiple victims, the penalty is a mandatory life sentence. Jon will be eligible for parole in 67 years. [Bold ours.] Jon’s attorney Leonard Levine said he would appeal the verdict.

Jon faces still more charges in New York and Texas. A spokeswoman for the district attorney said Jon is likely to be extradited to New York first.

We suppose this is the part where we say something insightful and/or pithy about the ruling, but to be complete honest with you, we're kind of blown away right now. He's going to be extradited to two more states to face the rape charges on top of the 16 he's just received a life sentence for. For lack of anything more to say than, "Holy shit," we guide you now to his still functioning official web presence—a site we once described as marrying the best qualities of circa-1997 wedding-DJ promotional literature with the finest UFO-suicide-cult website design—where you can peruse happier times in this Gallery of Me with Famous Ladies I Never Raped.