Finally, some good news after months of Black Fridays for magazine foldings: downtown fashion mag Nylon will survive! Despite the rumors that they were closing, they assure us that they are soldiering on, says Mariana Lee in communications: "The speculation that has been posted on the internet is completely false. NYLON Magazine is not folding, and is actually doing very well." Even though we've teased them relentlessly—and wondered why Nylon Guys even exists—we'd be sad to see them go. (Where would we find the newest luxury denim and silly It Girl Peaches Geldof news?) Here's the rest of the statement:The rumors were sparked by WWD's incredibly grim picture of fashion advertising. But! Says Nylon: "Total print revenue in 2008 is up 10% from last year, and our online revenue is up 469%. Nylon Guys is doing exceptionally well, and is expanding from a quarterly and will be published 6x a year starting 2009." More here.