Vogue editor-at-large André Leon Talley makes his debut as a judge on America's Next Top Model when the new season begins on March 10. And although he says he'd never watched the reality TV competition before deciding to join his dear old friend, Tyra Banks on the show (he says his boss, Anna Wintour, has never seen the show either), it looks like he'll fit in just fine. In addition to a special outfit for each episode—"13 custom-made Chado Ralph Rucci cloaks, varying only in color or fabric"—he'll be unveiling his very own catchphrase, too: "dreckitude," a combination of his favorite word, "dreck," and "quackitude," a "term he'd heard Rachel Maddow use on her show. 'Dreckitude was whipped out when I thought the challenge was not met or if [the contestants] showed up in perhaps an outfit that I just couldn't wrap my mind around.'" [WWD]