As a society, we've come so far: Men can use stripping as a path to stardom, and women can assuage their mid-life crises by dating pretty young things. Sadly, though, one cornerstone of the patriarchy remains: If a wife earns more than her husband, he'll probably find that, well, a major boner-killer. It's a problem that's plaguing more and more relationships, since 75 percent of the people who lost their jobs during the recession were men. And if you're married to one of those men, then the rent-a-quote psychologists on the Daily News' speed-dial feel sorry for you:

"It's almost always a problem," warns psychotherapist Cheryl Pappas. "Money is a symbol of male virility in our culture. This is one issue where society barges in and calls the shots. And if the husband is not the king financially, it's a recipe for disaster. And that's not necessarily because the husband is demanding that kind of kingdom, but because society tells him he is a loser if she makes more money."

Yikes! We would like to point out, however, that Pappas also deems Sex and the City's Samantha Jones "psychologically responsible" for a "generational mob" of women, so make of that what you will.

For some women who earn more than their husbands, more money means more marital problems [NYDN]