We Call Bullshit On Rosie vs. Barbara

Have you heard the wacky news? Rosie O'Donnell and Barbara Walters are "at it again"! No, they're not having creepy lesbian eldersex, they're a'feudin' and a'fightin' all over again. They haven't had a public dust up recently, not since Rosie was fresh off Walters' ladychat Hindenburg The View. Lots of folks seem to be buying into the latest war of words (I'm looking at you, Fox News)—which arose when comedienne Rosie said something about how the camaraderie on the show is false and celebrity interviewer Babs snapped back—but we think it's, well, a hoax. And a pretty obvious one at that. Hell, they have the same publicist, Cindy Berger from PMK/HBH. She probably got them on some sweaty, wheezy conference call and told them that since RoRo needed to promote her new Ed Sullivan-esque variety hour and Babs needed some View coverage since the election ended and lil' squeakers Elisabeth Hasselbeck no longer has Issues to spew her poison candy about, they should have a fake fight and get some attention. This whole thing just reeks of PR stuntery. Like the whole supposedly nasty Madonna/Guy Ritchie divorce, which ended quickly now that she's got just three US dates left on her tour and his RockNRolla has already opened in theaters. Or Andy Samberg and Mark Wahlberg, who had a staged animosity to get some sweet ass SNL ratings. And it doesn't really hurt anyone at this point, because neither of them, especially Walters, really has any credibility left to debase. Which makes the whole thing just a bit sad. Ah well.