Obamas Shock America, Choose Upscale Private School For Daughters

It's official — the exhaustive presidential show of pretending to consider a public school for the Obama daughters is over. They'll be attending Chelsea Clinton's alma mater, the Sidwell Friends School. Tuition will cost the the family $28,442 for Sidwell's Lower School in Maryland, and $29,442 per annum once the girls graduate to the Washington D.C. campus. It's a heady and not terribly unusual place for Malia and Sasha Obama's respective political careers to begin, and we'll show you a tour of the grounds these two rapscallions will soon traverse:Founded by Quakers — America's most useful religious minority — in 1883, the school renovated its 50 year main building in 2006, and turned it green:

The kids will be able to join the lower school's newspaper, The Lower School Times, which features hard-hitting journalism from young men and women not old enough to understand why their interview question is inappropriate:

The Obamas may be interested to know that the school pretty much has a Diversity Department, although the dream of the kids being treated like their classmates died long ago, anyway. Eventually, the age difference between Malia and Sasha will separate the two girls, as Sidwell Friends maintains a separate 5 acre campus for its Lower School in Maryland, while the Upper and Middle Schools sit on the main campus on D.C.'s Wisconsin Avenue. We can only pray Drudge saves a Red Alert for the day that happens. But don't worry: headmaster Bruce B. Stewart will guide the two as only he can until that traumatic day:

Just please, ladies, promise us one thing. Watch out for these two jokers: