Last week the New York Times Co. slashed its dividend and announced poor earnings and saw its stock plunge to lows not seen in decades. Times journalists must be afraid for their financial futures. Well the company has a suggestion: how about buying some New York Times Co. stock? Cheap! The company just sent out an unfortunately-timed internal memo offering employees the chance to buy stock at a discount. Don't forget that you should consider "your future financial objectives" first. Do you want to lose money in the future? Buy now! Read the whole hot stock offer below:

Summary: This message provides you with important information about the 2009 Offering of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. The enrollment period starts on December 1. You will get more details before the start of the enrollment period on December 1. Dear Colleague, I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has approved an offering of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan for 2009. What's more, the plan is enhanced for the coming year. The purchase price will be 85% of the average market price at the beginning or the end of the offering, whichever is lower. As many of you will be aware, this is a significant change from last year's offering. Whether participation in the 2009 Offering is a good deal for you, depends on your personal financial situation, you future financial objectives and your tolerance for risk, since investing in any stock includes an element of risk. All the same, please consider your opportunity to participate in the 2009 Offering carefully; it does provide eligible employees with a convenient way to buy Company stock at a discount.* You will receive details about the 2009 Offering before December 1, including the Base Prospectus, 2009 Appendices, the Annual Report on Form 10-K for 2007 and enrollment instructions. Please look for an e-mail message with links to supporting materials on the Company's intranet soon. The Company is very pleased to extend this opportunity to our employees. We encourage you to give careful consideration to participating in the 2009 Offering. Thanks, Dave Norton Senior Vice President, Human Resources * A reminder to excluded employees who are eligible for the Supplemental Retirement and Investment Plan (the Company-offered 401(k) plan): Participants in SRIP will receive a portion of the Company match in the form of Company stock starting in 2009.

[Stock's up today!]