Philly Newsman Gossip Hacking Scandal Trial Mercifully Concludes

Larry Mendte was the first male host of Access Hollywood before becoming a news anchor in Philadelphia, where he worked with Alycia Lane, a fellow anchor who punched an undercover cop and sent bikini photos of herself to the wife of a sports TV personality, all of which somehow made Mendte jealous, causing him to hack into Lane's email and forward the most salacious bits to gossip journalists, which ended up getting her fired, though his activities eventually came out and got him fired, and then got him sued by her as well as charged in a criminal case. Got that? Well now Mendte has been sentenced: He got six months of house arrest and three years of probation. At his sentencing he apologized, and said this:
"When I look back on the story of my life, I can't believe it brought me to this moment. I am ashamed."
Actually an Access Hollywood gig leading down a road that ends in a criminal trial based on illegally-obtained salacious gossip is quite predictable. [; pic via]