Boy George Convicted of Reenacting Black Snake Moan

Boy George, the fey and once fancy-free 80's pop idol, has been found guilty of false imprisonment in the UK. The situation was peculiar: he handcuffed a 29-year-old HIV-positive Norwegian rent boy named Audun Carlsen to a wall at his London flat, supposedly because Carlsen fucked up George's computer while trying to steal illicit photos. Audun claimed it was revenge because he had refused to sleep with George on their first date, which they arranged through hookup site
"I think he couldn't handle the refusal," Audun said during the trial. Which must, you know, hurt to hear. From this, to picking up trash on New York City streets (after police found some 13 baggies of cocaine in his apartment), and peddling his wares at little bazaars, Georgie is just not having a great, well, decade.
The judge for the case advised Boy that he should be expecting some jail time, which would likely be around an 18-month stint.
So that's the news from 20 years ago, and from today.