Yesterday the formerly-secret face of awesome (suck it, haters) street artist Neckface was revealed to the world. Now we have, possibly, two more photos, which is kinda interesting, I'd say:


Epicly Later'd is the blog of photographer Patrick O'Dell, former photo editor of Vice. Supporting evidence:

—This looks a lot like the dude in yesterday's Neckface pic (sort of? Iffy).
Patrick O'Dell has a section on his site where he posts adoptible animals, where there is currently a cat named Neck Face (ROCK SOLID EVIDENCE).
—Patrick O'Dell is friends with Neckface! They did this video together for And don't forget this blog post we just found, pointing out that O'Dell has been posting pics of Neckface for a while now with his permission, so what's the big deal? Here's one more:

Neckface, allegedly!