
More Neckface Face!

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/08 02:46PM

Yesterday the formerly-secret face of awesome (suck it, haters) street artist Neckface was revealed to the world. Now we have, possibly, two more photos, which is kinda interesting, I'd say:

Meet The Real Neckface

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/08 04:41PM

Neckface is a famous street artist—not quite Banksy famous, but almost. And like Banksy, Neckface has always kept his face hidden, even though he's been profiled in the New Yorker and he has a shoe deal with VANS that includes billboards across NYC and is generally superfamous in the cool parts of the art world. Well now a fashion blogger has posted a picture of Neckface unmasked, at some party at Art Basel in Miami. Click through only if you want to see him, okay:

Hipster Party-Riot In Chinatown

josh · 04/16/07 04:39PM

This Saturday as a Nor'easter loosed its silken lashes onto the window panes of sodden New Yorkers, a rowdy crowd of hipsters gathered in a vacant building in Chinatown to relive the heady frisson of the early aughts. Apparently, the building—196 Grand St.—is slated for demolition and condofication. A text message shot through the night saying, "carnage party at midnight." By the appointed hour, destruction and irony commingled in the air around the three-story walkup on Grand between Mott and Mulberry. According to an attendee, "An endless stream of hipsters with forty ounces of St. Ives St. Ides" began to filter in. Soon the place was packed. Lampshades were worn on heads (see photographic evidence). Neckface was there. And then, chaos.