We weren't aware that Jennifer Aniston's new dogcom, Marley & Me, was in urgent need of sexing up, but consider us duly apprised. So what is there to say about these new GQ pictures?

Well, it looks like Jennifer Aniston has been listening to Jessica Biel lately, for one. Also, it's hard to sell a movie when your fragile costar is so intimidated that he retires to the hallway at the barest hint of a USA Today fastball! Mostly, though, this just makes us worry about the inevitable oneupmanship we can expect to see from Brangelina. Who among us will be able to withstand the cognitive dissonance when Angelina Jolie promotes her upcoming, G-rated voice appearance in Veggie Tales 3: Holy Lentils! with a fourteen-page appearance in Penthouse that gives new meaning to the word "spread"?

[Photo Credit: Michael Thompson]