High camp has no enemies. Besides—humorless scolds (like Anita Bryant, or Chuck Norris) produce unwitting camp through their very opposition. But what happens when it's camp vs. camp?

This is the deep question facing us today, as insane Flipping Out star Jeff Lewis and Ugly Betty actress Ashley Jensen (the Scottish chick) tangle in a war of words, threats, and lawsuits. Each is on a show that is among television's campiest, so when these two players go to war, does it produce an ironic overload, or will the anecdote collapse inward on itself like a souffle?

According to the documents filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Jensen and [her husband Terence] Beesley live next door to a house Lewis is currently renovating in the tony Los Feliz section of the city. The couple took issue earlier this year when they realized a deck Lewis had constructed on the fixer-upper home had encroached on their pricey property. [...]

After all parties were alerted to the violation, Jensen and her hubby claim that Lewis offered them $10,000 to buy an easement and simply let the deck stand. However, after consulting with other real estate experts, the couple say they were informed that the property Lewis had encroached upon was actually worth $100,000—10 times the amount of his lowball sum.

Clearly unhappy with the new figure, Lewis, the papers claim, paid a late-night visit to his neighbors' home and countered with a $30,000 offer, as well as a threat to make their lives miserable and generally talk nonstop smack about them on the new season of his show.

Apparently it wasn't the best business tactic.

As a result of Jensen and Beesley's lawsuit, which also named Lewis' business partner and reality-show costar Ryan Brown, earlier this week the court issued a temporary restraining order against Lewis, ordering him to stay 50 feet away from Jensen's home and not harass, assault or trespass on the property.

Perhaps things would have gone more smoothly if an inattentive Lewis hadn't mistaken a visiting America Ferrera for his housekeeper Zoila, barking, "Zoila, PLEASE get me a drink that's 70 percent bourbon, 20 percent punch, 10 percent I'm gonna kick this Ugly Betty broad's ass all the way down Hillhurst if she won't give in. You want your gays to keep watching your show? Then don't mess with the guy who nets Bravo consistent highs in HH and total viewers!"