Google exec Marissa Mayer engaged

It's Silicon Valley's fairytale romance: Girly-girl nerd worth hundreds of millions meets fellow with a job who looks good in a tux. And now Marissa Mayer and Zack Bogue are getting married, a tipster says.
Talk at the Googleplex has it that Bogue, a real-estate investment manager, flew to Paris to surprise Mayer with a marriage proposal. (Mayer was in France to speak at LeWeb, a tech conference frequented by tech-conference-goers.) Valleywag first heard about Bogue and Mayer's romance in January.
Is she marrying down? No question. Mayer was employee no. 20 at Google, and she once dated Google cofounder Larry Page. Her IPO riches alone make her Valley royalty. Bogue buys and manages apartments for rich people, a business he somewhat brazenly dubs "private equity." His business is called "Montara Capital Partners," which makes him sound like a venture capitalist. He is also a lawyer, sort of, which is definitely several rungs down Silicon Valley's social ladder. When he attends elite conferences like TED, he's there as Mayer's plus-one. But come on: Mayer found a single straight man in San Francisco. Her accomplishment is not to be discounted.
What we're dying to know: Which overexposed couturier will Mayer, who once paid $60,000 for a lunch with Oscar de la Renta, pick to design her wedding dress? We already know where she's getting the wedding cake: I Dream of Cake, a San Francisco "cake gallery" in which Mayer has personally invested. As for Bogue, if he's wearing anything other than a tux, the black-and-white uniform in which he squires Mayer to San Francisco society events, we'll be disappointed.