Oh dear: it seems that Muntader al-Zaidi, the heroic Baghdad Shoe Thrower, is being treated just about as well as we expected in custody. But there is a bright side:

"Muntadar al-Zaidi has suffered a broken hand, broken ribs and internal bleeding, as well as an eye injury, his older brother, Dargham, told the BBC."

All this despite the assurances of "officials" that he was being treated well. We will never trust "officials" again! The positive angle of all this is, when Mr. Shoe gets out of his dank Iraqi torture cell, he'll be able to go out on the autograph circuit, and maybe start a shoe company!

"Meanwhile, offers to buy the shoes are being made around the Arab world, reports say...
According to unconfirmed newspaper reports, the former coach of the Iraqi national football team, Adnan Hamad, has offered $100,000 (£65,000) for the shoes, while a Saudi citizen has apparently offered $10m (£6.5m)."

May he live a long, prosperous, and healthy life. Inshallah. [BBC]