Axl Rose Kills US Economy

Ridiculously braided Guns "N" Roses frontman Axl Rose is destroying our national economy this holiday season through sloth and anger. And, even more, by not selling any freakin records:
"Chinese Democracy," the notoriously long-in-coming Guns N' Roses album, hasn't turned out to be the big hit that Best Buy Co. expected when it scored the exclusive rights to sell the CD in the United States.
That's bad news for the nation's biggest electronics chain by sales, which paid millions of dollars up front for 1.3 million copies of an album that has sold just 318,000 copies in the U.S. during its first two weeks in stores — and looks destined for bargain bins.
GnR blames the internet! A devious blogger just pleaded guilty to leaking tracks from the album early, and he has received his punishment from the US justice system. So starting tomorrow, sales better take off.
Why does Axl Rose wish coal in the stockings of Best Buy employees' children? [WSJ]