Having pissed off Oprah, the book industry, and us, former Gawker intern James Frey's working on a book, his own "theoretical third book of the Bible," that will now piss off Christians.

He told us a little about the project on a beer run last week, but when we saw the Guardian mentioned that his version would include a Jesus who "will perform gay marriages," (which they got from this interview on Rumpus), we asked James to please elaborate.

The book, he says, will be about "my idea of what the Messiah would be like if he were walking the streets of New York today," adding:

I think most of the fundamental and evangelical Christians in this country would be revolted by him. He'd endorse gay marriage, a woman's right to choose what they do with their bodies, a individual's right to love any other individual, regardless of gender. I believe he'd dismiss much of the supernatural silliness in the Bible; the universe being created in a week, angels with wings flying around like superheroes, a bearded God with a thundering voice.

Frey hasn't signed a deal for his book — and after the scandal of A Million Little Pieces there aren't as many publishers jumping to buy his stuff — so he's no doubt looking to stir up controversy. To that end, he added, "Obviously the book will be fiction, just as I believe much, if not all, of the first two books of the Bible were fiction."

But still, first Frey pissed off Oprah's audience, which is most of America, and now he's trying to piss off the Christians—which is the rest of America. There will be nobody left to buy his books!