Bigot Pastor Will Pray At Inaugural

Rick Warren, the evangelical pastor who's made himself palatable to liberals grossed out by most idiot bible-thumpers, will give the invocation at Barack Obama's inauguration, proving that the President-elect is not the anti-christ, probably.
Giving the invocation at a presidential inauguration is already a stupid tradition, and Reverend Wright was maybe too much to hope for, but here we go with Rick "It's Not My Job to Tell the President Not to Torture People" Warren of that Saddleback Church, which, like all megachurches, sounds gay.
Warren is a largely inoffensive figure, except as yet one more in long and historic line of American Huckster Ministers, but he's still a right-wing crank in mainstream clothing, like Mike Huckabee. He was pro-Prop 8 for "free speech" reasons, which is a crock of misleading shit.
So the gays aren't thrilled about this. Obama better get an extra campy musical act to make it up to them.