Where most media have moved on from courting Twilight fans, MTV has one remaining drop of profit to wring from the condescension flood. To wit, Twilight

It's your lucky annum, evidently, with MTV's week-long countdown of its favorite ladies of 2008 culminating today in female Twilight fans' victory. And it's really some victory, topping Katy Perry, Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus strictly on the basis of that dizzying moment when a hormone rush coincided with receiving one's biweekly allowance. Or something. MTV puts that vulnerability in slightly nicer terms:

Our sincerest apologies to male Stephenie Meyer lovers, Kaleb the Twilight Guy and, well, me. But even Forks fans of the testosterone persuasion have to admit that Twilight is a franchise driven by sincere, shrieking and borderline-stalker female fans.

Every list is controversial, and MTV News' Men and Women of the Year rankings are sure to get people talking. But ask yourself this: Can Britney Spears (#2) open a feature film at $70 million?

No — but Kristen Stewart can. Alas, she's unlisted. That's hardly of interest to the Women of the Year, meanwhile, who've held forth with page views appreciation as word gets around. So whatever, let them have their fun; Thelma Dennis can't be everyone's favorite heroine of 2008.