Unwilling to let Roland Emmerich corner the DGA market on topless pool parties, Criterion-approved auteur Michael Bay is opening his Miami mansion up to guests—and all you need is $250!

Slashfilm has the details on Bay's party, meant to help the United Way: it will be held at on Saturday, December 27th at Bay’s Miami Beach home. Tickets are $250 per person, but for $500, VIPs can join Bay on a private rooftop lounge alongside Megan Fox, the clone of Scarlett Johansson, and probably a Dodge Viper, just because. Following the reception, "all guests will be invited to an after-party" so that Bay can get his swerve on at home without Miami blue-hairs swanning around.

Yes, we posted about this not simply to solicit eyewitness accounts from party crashers but mostly so that we could run the shirtless Bay photo again. So what? It's Christmas. Be nice. FUCK!