It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Mostly worst. As 2008—the shittiest year on human record—winds down, we've collected for you some of its most shameful moments, caught on video.

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Sean Young Drunk-Heckles Julian Schnabel Off the DGA Awards Podium
We're not sure what Julian Schnabel ever did to Sean Young to have warranted this kind of drunken hostility at the DGA Awards—probably asked her if any more of those "delicious crabcakes are coming out of the kitchen, waitress?"—but it made for riveting morning-after gossip.

Click to viewDavid Letterman Repeats a Monologue Nearly Verbatim on Consecutive Nights
This had to be some kind of Late Show writer's room plot cooked up after someone jokingly suggested they just rehash the previous evening's monologue to see if anyone noticed. Still, when the gags get bigger laughs the second night, and America is the butt of the joke, you have to ask yourself: was it worth it? Probably.

Jason Alexander Plays an Overacting Serial Killer on Criminal Minds
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Some say the middling sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine has finally broken The Seinfeld Curse. This guest spot should be all the reassurance you need that it's alive and well and wearing a Sheinhardt on a competing network.

Nick Nolte Explains His Mugshot Was Actually a Charity Snapshot
Nick, just embrace it. It's mugshot history.

Steve Guttenberg Jogs Around Central Park Naked Below the Waist
This probably would have made more sense as a sequence in Can't Stop the Music. As it stands now, however, using middle-aged Guttenjunk to scare passing strollers is probably not the best way to draw attention to your latest project.

G4's Human Wrecking Balls: The Dumbest TV Show Ever Devised
The Idiocracying of America just took one giant leap forward with this show about two brothers who break solid objects with their bodies.

In Light of Recent Tragedy, New York Sorry About All Her Jennifer Hudson Shit-Talking
Sometimes, when you're met with the unthinkable, you'll be amazed at who emerges from the woodwork to become a rock in your hour of need. This isn't one of those cases.

William Shatner Slightly Bitter Over George Takei Wedding Snub
So you've been left off the invite list to the gay wedding of co-star from your seminal, 1960s sci fi drama. Do you A) move on. B) go on YouTube to accuse him of being mentally ill? If you're Bill Shatner, the answer is B.

Near-Fatal Traffic Collision Survivor Shia LaBeouf Gifts Jay Leno with His Severed Pinkie Nail
This wouldn't have probably bothered us nearly as much had he given it to literally any other talk show host. Unlike Scarlett's snotty Kleenex, however, you just know Leno would have tossed out the priceless LeBeoufian keepsake moments after the cameras were off.

Space: The Final, Chintzy-Looking, America's Next Top Model Frontier
This entire sequence should be plucked out of its reality show context and projected on modern art museum walls around the world.

Trump Infomercial Hostess Weeps in the Presence of her Combforwarded Hero
Perhaps the most shameful single moment of the year.

John Mayer Thinks Jennifer Aniston is a Great Girl, Brah
Look, tabloid press lingering outside Equinox SoHo: John Mayer just wants his life back OK? Jen's a great girl, but he just doesn't lead people on like that.

Disney's The Princess and the Frog and the Offensive Firefly Stereotype
We don't know exactly what he's supposed to be—all we know is that we refuse to endure a full movie of this mouth-breathing glowworm narrator, hand-drawn or not. Oh, and Randy Newman sucks.

The Big Brother Four-Legged BJ Monster
This broad-daylight, slurpy-sounding sex act is mitigated slightly by the fact that later on, one of the perpetrators asked the other to be "his first girlfriend" in his on-air testimonial. Wait a second-that just makes it worse.

The Bachelorette Stuns GMA with Her Astonishing Dumbness
Back when DeAnna Pappas was still engaged to Jesse the Snowboarder, but before she had revealed her choice to America, she admitted she was "two totally different people with each guy." But all we saw was the same incredibly dumb person, over and over again.

Tara Reid Tries Unsuccessfully to Stage a Hyde Entrance
We're not really sure what this pap being "an ugly little Asian dude" has to do with Tara Reid's last grasps at a career, either.

Kevin Spacey Dumps a Whole Jamba Juice on Letterman's Carpet
Simply charming.

Tom Cruise Introduces Oprah to His Leather-Bound Script Collection
There are no other books on the shelf.

Artie Lang Gets Cupcakeboarded
Does this really seem like a good idea? No. No it does not.

Milo Ventimiglia Offers Stunning Demonstration of Why We Need Writers
What's his power? Being a retarded Easter Bunny?