How Steven Soderbergh Intends to Capsize the Careers of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Hugh Jackman

We'd be lying if we said we weren't excited for Cleo, Steven Soderbergh's upcoming 3-D Cleopatra musical/possible practical joke starring Hugh Jackman and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Now, Soderbergh has revealed insane new details.
In conjunction with the release of his audience-participatory biopic Che, the Independent quizzed Soderbergh about other famous historical figures portrayed in film. When they brought up the Elizabeth Taylor version of Cleopatra, though, Soderbergh spilled on exactly what he's got in store for his stars:
All I can think of when I watch Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra is, 'Well, it's brave!' She's got both feet in. When you look at what she has to say and what she has to wear and the sets she has to walk around in, again the fact that she kept a straight face during all that, that's a testament to her fortitude. God, I hope we can recreate some of those crazy-ass costumes. Our version [of the Cleopatra story] will be like an Elvis musical in 3-D. It's a total rock'n'roll, 1966 aesthetic – like Viva Las Vegas meets Tommy. I've wanted my whole career to make a musical. And the 3-D makes it more challenging but makes it more fun. Based on the way I want to shoot it, I think it's going to really pay off. But our treatment of her is pretty modern, let's say."
We admire Soderbergh's daring; the moviegoing populace has recently rejected both Jackman and Jackman-toplined musicals, so it takes a special brand of visionary to note, "But those weren't in 3-D!" If the director is looking for some more A-list talent with experience in glossy Hollywood sing-alongs, might we suggest Fergie's labia? We hear the mysterious new ingenue brought out some of Daniel Day Lewis's best work, and is currently looking to go solo.