You just know Mike Sidel's Weather Channel colleagues will give him endless shit for slipping in the snow live on MSNBC Sunday. Instead of the ice at Wisconsin's Lambeau Field, blame Christmas!

It's so easy for journalists to let down their guards during the holidays. Sure, many put in work, here and there. But it's sandwiched between the long naps, stuffed bellies, indulgent drinking and late nights that come with stretches of vacation. We're not saying anyone was drunk here, just that everyone tends to fall off their game during the holidays.

And when most of one's peers are producing subpar work, and hardly anyone is watching/reading/listening anyway, letting go a little becomes even easier.

Anyway, what were we saying? Oh right, watch the funny man fall down! It's in the clip up top.

There's a compilation of older reporter pratfalls here.

(Thanks to the tipster who sent this in. Video via YouTube.)