Katie Holmes is infusing many, many dollars into the New York economy. We're sure of that. But just how much, exactly? Is she saving New York? If the low current estimates are right, no.

While the rest of the city puts on fingerless gloves and takes up homemade banjos, the Dawson's Creek actress and mother of Tom Cruise's 11th grade science project has been in the city (performing in the overbearing Broadway revival of All My Sons) spending heaps of money since July. On daily Starbucks runs, fancy dinners, clothes, and trampolines. The devoted celebrity-watchers at Page Six Magazine were dogged and dear enough to come up with a rough tally of how much the Holmes and family have spent in the past six months.

And their estimate seems really low. Their grand total is $14,450,812.67, but that includes $14.4 million for their domicile. So they've only allowed for some $43,000 to cover all other manner of Katie & Co's money spree. It has to be more than that. Let's take a look at the breakdown.

Alien tea parties at Alice's Tea Party for about $375, Halloween lunch with Denton (not really) at Balthazar for $106, and a $700 daily soy latte habit. All adds up to $7,315.17. For all of their fancy food? In six months? This seems low. Is Katie pouring herself a modest bowl of Cheerios when she gets home at night after play practice? Gold-plated, space particle Cheerios maybe. Plus that child conceivably eats some sort of Earth nourishment. We'd put this closer to $15,000.

$10,000 at Hermès (where they have a $900 stuffed toy horse), $345 sunglasses for herself, a $375 coat for Mork Suri. P6 adds it all up to $17,094.50. Which is an extraordinary amount of money. But considering that Holmes is photographed in what seems to be a new designer outfit every day, we wonder if these figures are right. Unless her designer friends are gifting her the threads (which is possible), we'd guess she's spent about twice that number since July. Plus Klaatu Suri has all those fancy little frou-frou Victorian outfits! Despite being seen, once, shopping at Baby GAP, we doubt that Holmes is paying cheap for the creature's ensembles.

Plays and Fun and Shit
Premium tickets to The Little Mermaid, South Pacific, and August: Osage County (which Katie saw by herself, sniff) all go for well over $200 each. Then she took the family and the Beckham family to, appropriately, the Big Apple Circus. That cost like $2,500. Total is $5,415. This actually seems reasonable to us.

She and Tom own like the entirety of East 13th (b'twn 3rd and 4th Aves), buying three apartments in the same building this year. So that's millions and millions of dollars. Plus Katie spent $7,000 on gymnastics equipment for tiny The Great Gazoo Suri. While the apartment prices are just estimates compared to what similar units in the area have sold for, their basic living expenses have to be considerably higher than Page Six is guessing. What with bodyguards and nannies and security measures and, you know, furniture purchases (and probably paying decorators) and moving. We bet it has cost them maybe even a couple hundred thousand dollars more than is estimated.

So Page Six says $43,000 on non-real estate spending, we say closer to $280,000. Not to mention what they spend when they, you know, rent helicopters and fly out of town. Holmes' presence certainly isn't hurting New York's economy, but if she's only spending what Page Six is guessing, she's not doing that much to help it. Not as much as she could be, certainly! Someone go sell her the Brooklyn Bridge!

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