Presidential Inauguration to be Trinket Show

Are you going to the Obamanauguration? I'll be there! But only to get a good deal on "coins, stamps, jewelry and even a small handbag" directly from QVC:
The televisiomatic gew-gaw purveyor is packing up its production trucks and knick-knack vans and whatnot and heading for the big city—of Washington! They'll be live on the scene for the inauguration, even doing interviews with average people, presumably those who might be in the market for a commemorative plate. They'll be live on stage and live at some inaugural ball offering everything from Obama stamp sets from The Grenadines to "An Obama throw blanket [that's] marked down from $41 to $36.84." America, America; God shed his grace on thee.
Furthermore "Host Leah Williams will be decked out in an inaugural gown." [AP]