Celebrity-Backed Mediacentric High to Add New Dimension to Private School Snobbery

Just in time to solve America's education crisis, the exclusive private Greenwich Village High School backed by Graydon Carter and John Leguizamo is preparing to open its doors. It's worse than you think.
The Observer reports that tuition for the ELITE 45-student freshman class scheduled to start in September will range from $35k for the rich to a mere $1k for the token poor. Besides the Vanity Fair boss and the manic actor, the school is also backed by despised New School president Bob Kerrey! They'll start later, so the kids can sleep in (nice!). And most importantly, the kids can start enjoying the full benefit of string-pulling by their well connected overlords right from day one:
In an English class, students might read a recent piece from The New Yorker about a Shakespeare play studied in class and then meet the play’s director to further explore his or her ideas, work, and life. A chapter from a textbook might begin a study of world history, but students might also meet with a curator at the Museum of the City of New York to understand how artifacts complement the story.
It's the normal nepotism and bald connection-mongering of the New York media and entertainment worlds writ small! No price is too high to pay to secure your child's seat at the table! Their tai chi and yoga teams will be the envy of downtown! They "hire superior teachers"—far superior to the teachers at your kid's school! Because let's face it, if you don't know or haven't slept with one of these people you're not getting in. It's a good lesson for the real world, all around. [NYO]