This morning on Today's fourth hour, Kathie Lee Gifford found a new way to get a dig in at her co-host Hoda Kotb: playing the video clip we posted Friday documenting Hoda's on-air drinking habit.

Kathie Lee first said that some people (meaning us, I guess) "don't have a sense of humor" but then proceeded to make the same "Hoda's a drunk" jokes that we were making. She gave her a Poinsettia champagne cocktail (I think that's what it was) to gulp and then tried to hand her a Baby Bjorn full of wine. Hoda just laughed meekly and said "please tell them you're kidding..." Which Kathie Lee did, eventually. The whole style of the back and forth was alarmingly similar to this weekend's SNL parody, down to the ominous "you know who you are..." from Kathie.