Shockingly, a lame attempt to replicate the cheap-wine-and-snacks formula of Trader Joe's under the name 'Trader John's' in Manhattan has resulted in a lawsuit.

Trader John's is a sad new grocery store opening up on 14th Street, a couple blocks from the borough's wildly-popular (mostly for its delicious $3 wine, I'm guessing) Trader Joe's outpost. Trader John's is replacing the old, grimy Gristedes. Oh but don't worry. Gristedes still owns the property, they just seem to be flagrantly rebranding in the hopes of getting their grubby little toes into the Hawaiian-shirted juggernaut's niche territory.

It might not work, though. Trader Joe's filed suit last Thursday in federal court for intellectual property rights infringement, claiming that the Gristedes redesign is a direct copy-catting of their hallowed, and dearly protected, signatures. As proof of the potential for customer confusion, the suit cites New York Magazine, Shophound, Serious Eats, and Curbed blog posts.

Nice try, Gristedes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go return these weird-fitting jeans to The Garp.