In today's media column: Time Inc still firing people, Plenty folds, a new FCC chief, a crazy media idea that won't work, and more!

A tipster tells us that the 600 layoffs at Time Inc. aren't over yet: "Time Consumer Marketing's Promotions department axed 7 people yesterday." DO IT FASTER, Time Inc. Sheesh.

Your new FCC head will be Julius Genachowski, a Harvard Law classmate of Obama's who's worked at the FCC before, as well as at IAC Corp, and was considered the frontrunner for the job. He'll be in charge of managing the national switch to digital TV. See how boring FCC stories are when they're not about crazy right-wing ideologues? [Reuters]

Last September there was a rumor Al Gore might buy do-gooder environmental magazine Plenty. That turned out to be wrong, and then their funding fell through, and now the magazine is folding. Sad. [Folio]

Lynn Yaeger, the very popular painted-doll-style fashion writer who just got laid off from the Village Voice after 30 years, landed a gig blogging for New York magazine during fashion week. Christ, it's gotten so bad that we're talking about 30 year vets "landing" a "gig" for a week. And interpreting it as good news. Just your daily reminder that the job market is horrible. [NYO]

Times-hating New York Press founder Russ Smith interviews Spy founder Kurt Andersen about the media and politics. If you have the fortitude to read this please report in the comments. []

Wacky media story of the day: a startup called The Printed Blog will distribute free, twice-daily newspapers consisting of printed posts from local blogs in cities across the country. “Why hasn’t anyone tried to take the best content and bring it offline?” asks founder Joshua Karp. Well Joshua, because by doing so you eliminate all the cost efficiencies of publishing online in the first place, and should you be economically successful via an advertising model, you will instantly generate demands for payment from your unpaid blogger content providers, thereby fucking up your revenue stream, but we look forward to following your new business' inevitable spiral in one direction or the other. We won't say which. [Wired]