The Tim Geithner confirmation hearings will be postponed! All because Obama's Treasury pick has some unpaid taxes and a briefly illegal housekeeper. Man, Geithner, step up your game.

Remember when Bernard Kerik was going to head the Department of Homeland Security? Oh, he had an illegal immigrant nanny, sure, but that was just the tip of the vast mobbed-up criminal iceberg! Conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, lying to the IRS, accepting gifts from the mob, sleeping with Judith Regan in his free Ground Zero apartment—that's how you screw up a cabinet nomination. Geithner just owes a couple bucks in back taxes!

According to Maureen Dowd the Treasury secretary-in-waiting's tax thing is of course directly related to the terrible Clintons and how wicked they are. This is how she manages that connection:

Geithner’s transgressions may seem petty given the kind of transgressions that have taken place in the Bush administration, and given the dire warnings of Obama’s choice for budget director, Peter Orszag, that the end may be nigh if the U.S. continues to spend beyond its means.

But Obama has proselytized about a shiny new kind of politics, and it’s déjà vu all over again with the smart being dumb, the rich being greedy, the powerful being sketchy.

This brings us to the Clintons.

Hillary aced her Senate hearing on Tuesday, performing as the A-student she is. As one of her former campaign aides said, whatever else you say about her, she is always prepared.

See? Geithner was supposed to be good but he did something bad, the US is screwed, this "new politics" still involves people doing bad things, hey look at the Clintons I bet they're eating Big Macs and being bitches. That's how you make the big column bucks.

In entirely unrelated news Geithner shouldn't be opposed because of tax dodging. He should be opposed for all the wonderful work he did not policing Citigroup.

[Photo: AP]