Pool Reports Become Weapon in Vicious News War

Reporters from the New York Times and the Washington Post are the Bloods and Crips of journalism. Today, their conflict escalated into an archly-worded pool report:
[Pool reports come from whichever single reporter is assigned to follow the President (elect) and write up the minutiae of his daily activities, which all the other reporters then pull from. Okay.] Pool reporter Helene Cooper of the NYT was very upset Obama chose to give a pre-inauguration sit down interview to the fucking Washington Post but not to the Times, what the hell is that, yo? Her report:
After three and a half hours at his transition office, PEOTUS obama took another 6 minute ride through washington, arriving at 157 pm at the nondescript soviet-style building at 15th and L street that houses the washington post.
Around 100 people—Post reporters perhaps?—awaited PEOTUS's arrival, cheering and bobbing their coffee cups.
Pool is holding in a van outside, while Mr obama does his washington post interview, and will exercise enormous restraint by ending report before saying what really thinks about this turn of events.
Haha, passive aggressive, or just aggressive? Cooper apparently survived although as we speak, Barton Gellman and Howard Kurtz are smoking sherm sticks and loading clips. This is war. [NY Observer]