Today in Sundance Hell: Ashton Kutcher Found, Anna Wintour Lost

Our daily, bleary-eyed round-up of developments from Park City finds a unseasonably warm — and quiet — day at the festival. Except ZOMG IT'S ASHTON!!!!
· Ashton Kutcher, who is presenting a game show from Sundance in addition to his high-stakes premiere Spread, caused a huge fucking Kutcherrific shriek-scene upon his arrival yesterday on Main Street: "He looked every inch of the former fashion model he is," noted shell-shocked eyewitness David Carr, "with operatic headgear and a fur-lined coat that looked like it required its own security detail."
· Meanwhile, in Salt Lake City, Anna Wintour stiffed the premiere audience for RJ Cutler's all-access Vogue documentary The September Issue. Probably because her fur coat did require a security detail, and Lord knows how hard the recession is hitting Conde Nast.
· At her Variety haunt, Anne Thompson compiled a quick and dirty list of the hot available titles she's gleaned from word around town. The Pierce Brosnan/Susan Sarandon weepie The Greatest and the NYC millenial cult doc We Live in Public are up; the opening-night adequacy Mary and Max is slipping.
· And way down in Jeff Wells's book is the quirky coming-of-age film Lymelife: "This was 'I'm not going to sit through a leafy suburban movie with Keiran Culkin playing Alec Baldwin's son.' This was 'I'm not going to watch the weathered-looking, saggy-faced Timothy Hutton — it takes decades of partying to get a face like his — play an emotionally repressed weirdo for the next 90 plus minutes.'" He walked out after 10.
· And in the spirit of yesterday's iTunes-downloadable short film offerings, now you can watch 1/70th of the Michael Cera/Charlene Yi romance Paper Heart online. Happy viewing.