Good Fucking Riddance, 'Revolutionary Road'

In the spirit of fairness for those many times we called the Academy out for its general Oscar-nominating ineptitude, let's all commend its members' fine taste today in snubbing the utterly despicable Revolutionary Road.
Apart from a surprise Supporting Actor nod for Michael Shannon's truth-hoarding suburban loony, we face the life-affirming prospect of Revolutionary Road's disappearance from the awards-season scene. Think about it:
· No more shrill DiCaprio or histrionic Winslet bellowing Oscar clips under Sam Mendes's lip-licking, sadistic gaze.
· A foreseeable end to the public gang-rape of source novelist Richard Yates.
· No more Reader vs. Road chatter calculating Winslet's optimal Oscar odds.
· An awardscast without the threat of hearing its theme replayed ad infinitum lest, God forbid, Road won anything.
· The likelihood its box-office will plunge this weekend.
· The likelihood its full-page newspaper ads will cease to exist as early as tomorrow.
· An unofficial rebuke to Mendes and those audience-flagellating hacks who would follow him, cheaply defying the basic laws of art, entertainment and taste.
· Remember that lost wager with Nikki Finke? Best million dollars Harvey Weinstein ever spent.
Join our ovation, will you — piss on its shallow grave below.