Tom Cruise is trying to get inside the female mind; Joe Francis slipped into women's underwear and Mike Tyson is, once again, overwhelmed with lady attention.

  • To make himself more relatable to women, Tom Cruise will stop pulling wife Katie Holmes around by the arm in public and will try to go on the View a lot to make the ladies forget about that time he dissed Brooke Shields for taking drugs for postpartum depression, a dick move they totally hated. Also, for the poors, he will stop showing up to movie premiers in totally awesome vehicles. [Star]
  • Turns out Larry King was ripped off by Bernie Madoff, too. Between that, the insurance brokerage that allegedly cheated him ,and King's many ex-wives, the TV host really needs to at least finish out his CNN contract, if not renew. [P6]
  • Joe Francis likes to have his picture taken while wearing women's undergarments. And that's actually one of the least pervy things about him. [Gatecrasher]
  • Mike Tyson, subject of a new documentary: "People are offering me a lot of pussy and a lot of money again." Nervous laughter. "It’s not funny. This stuff is detrimental. I had a hard time controlling it in the past.” [Gatecrasher]
  • Technically, Bill and Hillary Clinton went to at least one inaugural party together. Let's just say they didn't hang out much. Guess which one left early. [Cindy Adams]
  • Mariah Carey will would not be seated with mere celebrities at the inaugural. She wanted to be with the Obama family, because that's what she is, really. Family. [P6]
  • Page Six isn't saying Billy Bush was wasted at the Sundance party for Crude. It's just saying the Access Hollywood star was "escorted" away by his, uh "pal" (boss actually) Ben Silverman. [P6]
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt's ex-fiance says the couple are trying to work things out. [Fametastic]