The Lafayette French Pastry bakery in the Village is super trendy. Their cakes were used on Sex and the City! And, like every other trendo, they're showing Obama some love. With, um, "Drunken Negro Head" cookies.

Yes, the shop's owner Ted Kefalinos decided to make a batch of cookies with bleary red cherry eyes and oversized nose and lips and give them the charming, sunshiney moniker. To, you know, celebrate our new darker-hued President. Adding to the insult, his sales pitch reportedly included vaguely ominous insinuations of assassination. He supposedly said to one customer:

Would you like some drunken negro heads to go with your coffee? They're in honor of our new president. He's following in the same path of Abraham Lincoln; he will get his.

So, shit. A reporter from New York's Fox affiliate went on the scene ("Shame! Shame! Shaaaame!") and met with an unrepentant Kefalinos. He said that the cookies are "not unflattering," adding, "I think it's a fun face... And anyone who says anything else should be ashamed of themselves." Plus, you know, his brother-in-law is Cuban. So he can't be racist.

Terrible. Plus, there's no way they could be as tasty as his previous novelty creation, last week's "Dead Geese Bread."

[via Gothamist, which has the full news clip]