Our Commenters Of The Week Win An Unexpected Promotion To Best Actress!

Kate Winslet isn't the only one to get some surprising news this week—our best comment-writers have just been nominated for a Best Actress Oscar, even if they campaigned in Supporting (or are men). Who won?
HandsomeBwonderful on Courtenay Semel And Casey Johnson Find Non-Flammable Peace At Sundance: Boy, their kids will be hideo— oh, yeah. There is a god.
el smrtmnky on Jessica Alba's O'Reilly-Bashing Inspires Unfamiliar New Feelings Of Respect: brava, alba! that was your best performance since...whew. that a girl!
thesuspiciouspackage on Benjamin Bratt Needs Hug After Devastating 'Push': It's wonderful to see Mo'Nique following up on the promise she demonstrated in BEERFEST.
Victor Ward on John Krasinski Is A Hideous Man: "If Wallace's prose here taught us anything, it's that no one can stay mad at an amputee." Paul McCartney would like to politely disagree.
SunnydaZe10 on WB To Outsource 800 Jobs To Poland's Notoriously Unsympathetic I.T. Industry:
Dear Colleagues:
We'd like to take a moment and provide some follow-up information to the memo you received earlier this month regarding the fact we have gone BUST. We are very sad to announce that based on the global economic situation and current business forecasts, the SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN.
We hear "The Cheesecake Factory" is currently accepting applications.
Best of luck.
"The Guy Who Owns Five Cherry Red Diablo Roadsters With Fuchsia Pink Interior"