Carol Bartz's Leak Problem

No one said patching up Yahoo would be easy. New CEO Carol Bartz is trying to crack down on leaks at the troubled Web giant. How do we know this? Someone leaked a memo.
AllThingsD got a copy of Bartz's first-week email to the troops (emphasis added):
From: Carol Bartz
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: My First FridayIt’s Friday!
Wow, this week has gone fast. I thought I’d give you a quick idea of how things went for me this week. First, a BIG thank you for all the positive comments you’ve sent my way. It has really made me feel welcome. And a special big thanks to all the guys (that’d be Willie, Anthony, Jack, Allen, Daryl, Nathan, Ali, etc.) that worked so quickly to get Judy and I up and running. I know I told you at the all-hands that I was going to be bringing my lunch. That was before I saw the cafeteria–it rocks! Forget that leftover stuff!
My first impression of the Yahoos is that you guys are smart and dedicated, and have a lot of great energy with a can-do attitude (ok, maybe there’s some sucking up because I’m the boss, but it impressed the heck out of me).
I wasn’t too happy to see some “inside sources” quoting my all-hands comments to the outside press–STOP IT! And while we’re on the subject of all-hands, I cancelled the regularly scheduled after-earnings meeting simply because it’s just too close to the one we just had. Don’t take it as something it’s not.
I’m pumped up and proud to be here. I’m going to spend my weekend shopping for something purple (great excuse for a little retail therapy)…
So much for her threat to "dropkick to fucking Mars" anyone who leaked. No, she's just going to whine about it. We give Bartz this much credit: It took a week for this memo to escape Yahoo HQ. And she's cancelled an all-hands meeting — which seems like the only way to make sure nothing leaks from the all-hands.