Michael Steele was famous being the highest-ranking elected Black Republican in the country, when he was the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Then he lost a Senate race. Now he is in charge of the Republican Party!

Michael Steele won on the sixth ballot, because some elements of the Republican National Committee really, really didn't want to vote for a black guy. Not that Steele is particularly smart or accomplished, but the other candidates were some crazy racist from South Carolina, a guy named Saul, and Ohio loser Ken Blackwell.

Steele represents a "new face" for the Republican party, because even though his "brain" is full of the same old doctrinaire conservative nonsense as the rest of the Republican party, his "face" is black.

Here, in this video, Mr. Steele says "those of you who wish to obstruct, get read to get knocked over." So watch out, South Carolina.