
Michael Steele Joins the Liberal Media

Jim Newell · 05/23/11 10:58AM

Michael Steele, the former one-term Republican lieutenant governor of Maryland, has a new job on television! No, not at Fox News. That network has abandoned him ever since his tenure as head of the Republican National Committee only netted their party 63 seats in the House of Representatives last year. Instead, Steele will be picking up his analyst checks at MSNBC, home of the cable news Left.

'Favorite Book' Question Throws GOP Leadership Debate into Chaos

Jim Newell · 01/03/11 05:03PM

Candidates for Republican party chairperson debated today! You all probably have it Tivo'd, so we don't want to spoil too much. But one lady candidate responded to a question about her "favorite bar," even though that question was never asked.

Are Republicans Finally Dumping Michael Steele?

Jim Newell · 11/10/10 12:10PM

Since being elected as Republican National Committee chairman almost two years ago, Michael Steele has survived constant calls for his resignation, only to preside over historic GOP congressional wins. His reward? Probably losing his job.