Our Commenters Of The Week Win A Vitamin Water Flung By Ashton Kutcher!

After this arduous week of battletweeting, it's time for the commenters who've done the best job to sit back and uncork some congratulatory Vitamin Water. Don't worry, kids: we've spiked it. So who won?
· procrastinator, esq. on Bart Simpson Pushes Scientology: 'Don't Have A Thetan-Ridden Cow, Man!': I prefer it when Julie Kavner uses her nagging Marge Simpson voice to leave me voicemail messages reminding me to go to temple on the High Holidays.
· SumitaSurtur on 'The Office' Porn Features Almost As Many Couplings As The Actual 'Office': Why in god's name is this not called The Orifice?
· Old No.7 on Sherri Shepherd Teaches Daytime Audience How To Position Oneself In A Sling: This same technique is also utilized by marine biologists to return beached whales back to the sea.
· kookla on Bill O'Reilly Challenges Jessica Alba's Knowledge of European Peace-Keeping: If anyone has been in an IKEA lately, you would totally understand what Alba means when she says Sweden is neutral.
· Eric D. Snider on Paris Hilton Certain That Reality TV Chef Is British Prime Minister: She better be careful in England. As an inbred, lazy-eyed, undeservedly wealthy attention whore, she's liable to be mistaken for royalty.
Congratulations to our winners!