David Plouffe, Beer Pong Expert

We liked him so much when all we knew was that he gave us our new president of hope, but Obama campaign manager David Plouffe ruined all that by babbling about beer pong to Esquire.
That noted big-school-in-a-boring-town binge drinking game is, of course, still played by full-grown adults with actual jobs in terrible places like Washington DC, so we should not be shocked that a professional political operative like Plouffe devoted hours to it at the University of Delaware. We do, at least, give him credit for dropping out of school to pursue his drinking habit.
The seven-hundred-word article is about beer pong. Plouffe and his college roommate were prolific. "For two years," says Barack Obama's campaign manager, "that's all we did." Classes, he wasn't that into them. He never graduated.
"You have to use a paddle, or you can use a saucepan, but where do you think the word pong comes from? It's not just about the ball," he says. In fact, if you think it's just about the ball, you're missing most of the game.An old college buddy says that Plouffe was far more skilled at the hanging out and drinking than at the game.
At least he doesn't seem to call it "Beirut." College should be banned.
(Oh, and then he ran the best presidential campaign ever in history, and Plouffe is the one who owns your email address and is still emailing you for money.)