Malia Obama Seen in General Vicinity of Beer Pong Cups During Brown University Visit
Jay Hathaway · 10/16/15 01:14PMBeer Pong Player Distracts Opponent With Gun, Accidentally Shoots Two
Jay Hathaway · 07/08/15 12:50PM
The rules of beer pong vary from region to region—Is blowing allowed? When can you rerack the cups? What should we pee on and whose dad is getting us all jobs after graduation?—but it’s universally understood that defenders should create a distraction while their opponents are shooting. That distraction probably shouldn’t be a gun, though.
Jimmy Fallon Plays Red-Wine-With-Ice-Pong With Diane Keaton
Jay Hathaway · 04/30/14 12:15PMThis is the Tonight Show in 2014, in which we learn that Annie Hall either doesn't know or just doesn't care how beer pong works.
"Beer Pong Rapist" Allegedly Met Young Victims at Tournaments
Taylor Berman · 11/13/13 02:42PMMIT Frat's Beer-Pong Table Is the Nerd-Broiest Thing in Nerd Broville
Camille Dodero · 10/11/13 03:10PMNerd Broville, a mesh-shorted seaside town with Call of Duty casinos and a high-speed party monorail, has a new Mayor. His name is Christian Reed, he's a member of MIT's Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity, and he has solved a problem that's plagued nerd bros for eons: the sticky balls (heh) and constant spillage (heh heh) that come along with those long, arduous nights of Olympic beer-pong feats.
Drug Stores Finally Marketing to the Beer Pong and Drunken Hook-Up Demographic
Brian Moylan · 09/20/11 03:39PMSix Things That Should Be Banned From Bars Forever
Brian Moylan · 06/28/11 04:52PMSanta Claus Literally Crashes Beer Pong Party
Christopher Han · 12/15/10 02:38PMMad Hatter Literally Crashes Beer Pong Party
Christopher Han · 11/04/10 11:14AMHighlights from Gawker's Second Annual Beer Pong Tournament
Whitney Jefferson · 08/16/10 03:55PMSorry, America, None of These Things Are Sports
Brian Moylan · 06/29/10 03:43PMHow Did Kelly Ripa Lose at Beer Pong?
Devon Irete · 04/14/10 11:46AMIs this "Extreme Beer Pong" Video a Fake?
Mike Byhoff · 03/15/10 04:20PMDavid Plouffe, Beer Pong Expert
Pareene · 02/02/09 12:13PMPublic Service Announcement
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/08 05:00PMBeer Pong Video Game Predictably Nixed
Michael Weiss · 07/31/08 04:17PM
JV Games was all set to release Beer Pong for the Nintendo Wii as part of its new Frat Party Games series (forthcoming titles include It's Not Gay, It's Tradition and Honor Council Testimony: Age of Consent Edition). Then the killjoy parents got involved, saying it's not right encouraging underage drinking, even in the virtual world. So now the thing's called Pong Toss, which, according to Time, will feature "pixelated cups of water." Use your Xbox to draft a pixelated transfer application. As it turns out, however, water as an alternative chug resource has also caused problems on university campuses:
Facebook vs. CollegeHumor beer pong canceled
Nicholas Carlson · 05/15/08 01:40PMCollegeHumor smack talk hits Facebook where it hurts — the click-through rates
Nicholas Carlson · 05/13/08 11:40AM
When Google took on Facebook in ultimate frisbee, Facebook took the series 2-0. Now we hear a contest of beer pong — the drinking game involving ping pong balls, Solo cups and Milwaukee's Best — has been scheduled between Mark Zuckerberg's finest and the New York-based, IAC-backed CollegeHumor. CollegeHumor cofounder Ricky Van Veen began the smack talk early posting the above image to his blog. It reads:
Defamer PartyWatch: Assistant Beer Pong Tournament At El Guapo
mark · 05/01/07 07:57PM
When first we viewed these photos (obtained by trusty Intern Kate and a shutterbug sidekick) of Saturday night's Assistant Beer Pong Tournament at Melrose Ave. binge-drinking mecca El Guapo, the event seemed as drunkenly care-free as we'd expected, carrying on the proudly crapulent tradition of the throwdowns of the previous two years. But after learning that the cherished Beer Pong Trophy had been snatched before the champions from Team Gold Circle could rightfully claim it, these images now take on an added poignancy as reminders of a simpler, more innocent time, when people could connect by chugging cheap beer and screaming at each other across folding tables instead of a telephone line. Damn you, anonymous trophy-jacker, for tainting the desk-slave equivalent of the Super Bowl with your selfish disregard for something so pure.