Chesley Sullenberger Is Even Better Than You Think

Is hero pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger a normal man, or a superhuman paragon of ethics sent to earth to shame us into being better people? His treatment of an overdue library book points to "superhuman":
Sure, he saved more than 100 lives on board his plummeting airplane. But one thing was eating at his soul: a library book he'd checked out.
Sullenberger contacted librarians and asked for an extension on the loan and a waiver on the overdue fine. The reason? The book is in the cargo hold of the US Airways plane that made an emergency landing last month in New York’s Hudson River
Ha, uh, just what we all would have done! And in a sickeningly heartwarming addendum, the book was about "professional ethics." Good lord in Heaven. Just let us touch the hem of your robes, Sully. []